Wolf Trap Opera 2005

Follow the Director of the Wolf Trap Opera Company as she chronicles a summer in the life of one of America's best young artist training programs.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Invited dress rehearsal

Nice to have an audience. Friends of the musicians, staff & crew, Foundation donors, volunteers & employees, and the Sweeney Todd cast from the local high school! Nerves on the stage; some things surprisingly hard, other things paying off nicely. The stage/pit balance coming into focus more and more each day – also improved by having bodies in the house to soak up the sound that tends to bounce off of all that wood. (That’s what you get for performing in a barn…)

We’ve been running and tweaking the show straight for 7 days now, and the crew has been working both day and night. Fatigue is showing, and tomorrow’s day off is critical. One accident onstage leading to an emergency room visit after the rehearsal (broken finger). Otherwise, not much the worse for wear.


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